Business Growth Services
Every engagement is characterized by :
Personal Involvement
Hands-on Approach
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Copyright Kayen Consulting 2018

Pune , India



Training is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies with the specific goal of improving capability, capacity, and performance.


It is not enough to strategize, create plans, processes and systems, if the people who will implement them are not also on board and have no core understanding on the reasoning and credibility behind any new initiatives and/or changes in approach. There is therefore, an undeniable need to align the people and teams with the company strategy.


Execution of strategy and/or action plans is effected through people employed either by the company or its business partners. There is often a difference in the perspective, and hence varying needs:


         Companies : An effective way to ensure the buy-in and the          resulting productivity is to involve the operating people in the ideating workshops that also double as training sessions. This is especially true for SME’s where employees often fill multiple roles.


         Business Partners / Franchisees : Here the primary need          is to grasp the competitive advantage of their principals product or service offering. Often the need is to build competency.


Kayen Consulting offers to work alongside the business owner to improve the execution quotient by suitable training modules.

SWOT Analysis , Turning Features Into Benefits
Evaluating the buying decision, and formulating a scripted response ( 13 Q’s)
Creating and Using a Dashboard to drive Performance
Using metrics to assess the Performance of the business
Using metrics to assess the reality of the business –Competitive Analysis, Market Wants Analysis
Advertising, Copywriting & Tracking
Review Lead Generation, Referral Systems
Critical Marketing mistakes,
How do I understand and use the Media?
Where is my business today?
Where is my business today?
Where is my business today?
Where is my business today?
The competitive  advantage
The reality of my  business
How do I decide on and monitor key business metrics?
Why should people do business with me?
How do I further grow my business?
How do I leverage my organization & products?